Enforcement Decision Group (EDG)
EDG Purpose and Members
The Enforcement Decision Group meets on a quarterly basis and consists of members from the St. Clair County Board Environment Committee, representatives from the IEPA and the State’s Attorney’s Office, and staff members of the Environmental Protection Program.
The Group meets to discuss new open dumpsites that were inspected during the month, closure of the sites that were remediated, extension requests and referrals to the State’s Attorney for court enforcement. Landfill and compost inspections, enforcement cases and any significant problems that occur at the landfills are also discussed. Representatives from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency update the staff and the County on current issues. The State’s Attorney representative updates on the current caseload. County Board Environment Committee members ask questions or discuss issues in the County and the St. Clair County Administration updates current activities in the Health Department pertaining to the Environmental programs.
Members Include
- Richie Miele, Chairperson, Environment Committee
- Matt Smallheer, Asst. Chairman
- Chris Cahnovsky, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
- Benjamin Henning, Assistant State’s Attorney
- Sharon Valentine, Director of Environmental Programs, SCCHD
- CJ Baricevic, County Board Member
- Ken Easterley, County Board Member
- Marty Crawford, County Board Member
- John Coers, County Board Member
- Rick Casey, County Board Member