After The Flood

After a flood, the physical devastation to personal property and the community is obvious. These tragic consequences can be compounded by injuries or illness, though, if certain precautions are not taken to protect your personal health and safety. In addition to your physical health, you need to take time to consider your mental health as well. Remember, some sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, hyperactivity, mild depression or lethargy is normal. If these symptoms are acute or if they persist, however, seek some counseling.

This information is provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health to help flood victims protect themselves against diseases and other hazards in the days and weeks following a flood.

Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Environmental Health 525 W. Jefferson St. Springfield, IL 62761 217-782-5830 TTY (hearing impaired use only) 800-547-0466

Environmental Programs

The Environmental Programs Division is made up of two Departments (Environmental Health and Environmental Protection).

Environmental Health oversees the protection and safe handling of food products, food recall notifications, vector surveillance, permitting and inspection of private sewage disposal systems, private water wells and geothermal wells, as well as tanning, body art and general nuisance education.

Environmental Protection oversees the compliance of landfills located within the County, illegal dumping and burning complaints, as well as air quality, pollution prevention and recycling.

For more information contact our office, Monday through Friday, 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. at (618) 233-7769 or email